sillyrabbit pretends to knit

Friday, September 21, 2007

Blog Stalking Week 2: Purse Guts

Wow, my blog's about to fall over. I've never paid it this much attention before.

OK, so this was fun. I've always been known for carrying random, random, RANDOM things in my purse. It's been an icebreaker at something I've attended three times, and I've one every time. For those wins, I was carrying a pair of socks (CLEAN!), a cat toy, and a pack of lunchmeat turkey. I think they were at college orientation and a few teaching conferences, so not really places where I would need any of those things.

So, here goes.

Here's my purse. Nice little Vera Bradley shoulder bag with a zipper...I think it's a Betsy, if you're into such things.

Open it up, and you see this.

Then spread it all out on the coffee table and it looks like this.
So what is all this? I wrote it down for you:
Snack Trap, knitting project (Jumbo Elephant from Knitted Toys, swish dk and Harmony needles that I glued to myself the other day) my headband from Pretty Pretty, a ball, a turkey, a giraffe, a duck wearing a lei, a cube, a Koosh, Wee Sing for Halloween songbook, a knit sock, my wallet, a bag of hair, sun lotion, a baby fork, a baby spoon, my iPod (it's a dinosaur!), a phillips head screwdriver, my keys, my cell phone, my husband's wallet, a bag of wipes, insect repellant wipes, Gold Bond anti itch, a tampon, a sewing kit, a Red Robin kids contest entry form, purple toenail polish, Phyto, 3 hair ties, a contact lens, hotel face soap, hotel body soap, an Ann Taylor Loft coupon, and a pen.


Oh, and the bag of hair? Because of this new look here:



  • At 10:12 PM, Blogger Holly said…

    He's so cute - great haircut! Your purse contents are cracking me up! I'm a little scared to do this one myself. But I'll get to it, I promise!

  • At 6:19 AM, Blogger Rachel said…

    Too funny! When my kids were younger that is just how my purse looked!! Can't wait to get home and post my own!

  • At 8:43 AM, Blogger Jo said…

    I really like your purse - and I am not a purse person. I remember when my bag contents looks like that...

  • At 8:57 AM, Blogger Speckel said…

    Wow! I have that same exact purse (same pattern; I love the blue java) and I had no idea I could fit all of that into it!

    It does make a great knitting bag with all it's pockets.

  • At 9:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ok, if you don't stop showing me pictures of your baby I am going to come get him and smoosh him with hugs and smooches.

    And your purse... you're like Mary Poppins! But modern!

  • At 9:47 AM, Blogger deirdre said…

    Wow, you really fit a lot in to that purse. I like to think of mine as a bottomless pit, but I think you win on that one.

  • At 11:14 AM, Blogger Beverly said…

    I giggled at "my husband's wallet." I invariably end up carrying my hubs' wallet too, as well as his cell phone and pack of cigarettes. Time for men to start carrying purses.

  • At 6:39 PM, Blogger ZantiMissKnit said…

    Is that his first haircut? Awww cute! Your purse contents look on par with other moms-of-young-kids purses I know. You never know when you'll need that giraffe! :D

  • At 8:49 PM, Blogger cpurl17 said…

    Your purse is much more interesting than mine!!

  • At 9:44 PM, Blogger Zonda said…

    Besides the fact that you have that purse fabric I've always wanted, and I spy a cool pink mini-ipod, hehe..nice purse guts!

    He is just too cute..sigh..yep, I still have my guy's hair..(he's almost 18 now!)

  • At 9:58 PM, Blogger Eryn said…

    Hooray! I am not alone!

    Sweet the squishy cheeks!

  • At 8:14 PM, Blogger kemtee said…


    He is the most adorablest wittle guy I have seen! I just want to smooch on him!

  • At 9:24 PM, Blogger wonky said…

    You would need the exact same purse contents if you had to take care of me for a day. You must be a fun mom! And you must be gorgeous too, to have such a handsome boy!

  • At 12:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hah - I love the randomness!

    I have a dinosaur iPod too. A 4 gig iPod mini - not even with a colour screen! Apple changes these things more often then people change socks (well, I hope not, but you get the analogy...).

  • At 5:08 PM, Blogger purple_niko said…

    I'm amazed that you fit all that into one purse! I'm sure mine would look like that if I had a toddler, too...

  • At 7:28 AM, Blogger Amanda said…

    That's my favorite Vera pattern. :)

    Your son looks adorable with his new haircut!


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