sillyrabbit pretends to knit

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Little Man's First "Photo Shoot"

Nine weeks ago, we had portraits done of Little Man--some promotion at a clothes store we like where if you spend a certain amount of money, you get the sitting fee for free and a free 8x10. So we went and did the portraits, and eight weeks later, they've arrived. They're beautiful, but he looks like a totally different kid now. See?

And by the way, a 16x20 picture of your kid's head (we got the one of him on my hand) is ENORMOUS. His head in the picture is bigger than my head, and that's really saying something. I have a 23.5" head. It will hang in the dining room until his friends are old enough to tease him about it, and then we'll have it put on a magnet and stick it on the car doors.